I have a waiting list of things to blog about. But that will all come later..
I was just thinking about how I've been so set on the plans I had for the future. In Form 4, I had my sights set on doing a Diploma in Mass Communication in Singapore.. And that was it. No other plan. Right up to the beginning of this year, where I wanted to further my studies overseas, namely in Japan or Korea.. Probably to do Mass Comm over there under scholarship. And that was what I wanted..
Right now, things have just changed. I don't have the same dreams anymore.. I always wanted to get out of this country to further studies.. But God has a purpose for me here.. And until He moves, I don't want to.. If you ask me what I want to do in the future, I honestly don't know.. All I know is that I want to live a life that glorifies Him, even in the career that's before me.. I don't know what subjects to take when I go to college.. I don't know what's to happen. I don't know what He wants me to be. I don't know ANYTHING. The only thing I know is that I just have to continue to seek Him.. Is there anything else I can do? Relying on my own wisdom and strength would cause me serious trouble.. And there isn't anything else I want to do now than to do His will..
You would probably ask; don't you have your desires, hopes.. something that you want to be? Maybe I do after all, but it all means nothing when compared to living for His glory..
There's nothing greater than living for Him..
Hey..i am doin good allthings..how about u? are u busy? hope u good too
i totally connected w ya post serene! sometimes, i get really anxious thinking of where to go n what to do n i'm afraid that i might make a choice that'll not be in line w His will for my life. i talked with someone and she told me that God can be pretty specific in telling us His plans for us. The best thing we can do now is to pray and ask Him. and I'm sure He'll tell you His plans and lead you to it.
ask Him for answers/directions and it'll be given.
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