Ignore the title. Just a filler. Haha
And for those of you who don't already know, I failed my driving test. And, not one part but both parts. Let's see what happened.
I was in for the third session. Instructor picked me up from the nursery around 11 something and we went straight to LSA. He told me my test would start around 2. At 2, we had some kind of small briefing then we started with the slope. I had higher hopes for this compared to the test on the road.. So I really hoped to pass this. To cut the long story short, I failed the slope due to my own mistake. No complain there. So I thought I still had a little hope for the road part..
I went into the car after my tester drove the girl before me back to the centre. Which means she failed due to some major mistakes. Was praying hard I wouldn't do anything so serious. Anyway, I just drove like normal. I know when my driving is okay and when it's bad. And that day it was okay.. So I didn't expect to fail straightaway cause I did not make any major errors. And suddenly when I was driving, she stopped me without saying a word and drove me back. I was wondering what I did wrong and yeah I was really upset. When we got back to the centre, she wrote some comments on the paper and then started crossing out the boxes. And what she did was cross out EVERYTHING except the first few things.. And left me with 6/20 marks. Hear this, I did not go pass the traffic light, but she crossed it. I did not overtake, but she crossed it. I did not drive dangerously, but she crossed it. And the list goes on. Not to mention, the reasons why I failed, had its own box on the paper, which means I shouldn't have failed on the spot..
Don't know if you understand what I'm talking about but it was really, really frustrating for me. To fail for no Valid reason. To be marked off just like that. Looks like she wasn't really testing me since she simply crossed out everything just to fail me. I wasn't upset cause I failed, but more to burderning my parents with paying more for my exam retake and extra lessons. Called my mum after I failed and she told me it was alright.. I do admit I was very upset about it.. But soon enough, He comforted me. And reminded me that it's gonna be alright..
And I just want to say that if we could learn to see Him in all things, we would know that everything has its purpose. It's not always God who causes things to happen because sometimes its due to our own mistakes, but He does allow it. If there was nothing for us to learn from it, then it would all be in vain. If only our shallow minds would begin to understand the fact that our God is Good All the time.. If only we could stop being childish and stop blaming Him for everything. If only we could stop complaining about how hard life is, about the problems we go through and start to see that it's much needed for the refinement of our faith.. Then we will truly be living a blessed and righteous life.. Our frustrations are only part of life.. What would we be without it?
1 comment:
Wow.. you are really positive, judging from what you wrote in the end.. Really admire you for that, as not many people could do like what you did.
Yup, hopefully when u retake later, u wont get an examiner like her... To be honest, I guess she's one of those people who will only pass the candidates if they pay 'coffee money'.. hmm.. anyway, all the best when u retake the test. God bless! =)
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