Monday, April 5, 2010


With all the things going on/about to; I should be burned out!! Thankfully; He supplies my needs and continually supplies me strength. Thank You Jesus. :)

There's much that's going on. My aunt left for China this morning for 3 weeks; mum's gonna come for few days every week and the rest of the week; I'd be home alone. Good thing there're only 3 dogs at home compared to the 6 and she was gone 6 weeks last time too. Her friend used to drop in and help but she can't really this time so I'll have to do all the dog stuff. To be honest, I'm not looking forward to the next few weeks; not at all.

Trials are next week and of course I haven't studied. I won't be Serene anymore if I'd started; at least not the one you know. Even if I want to, Lit coursework is demanding much of my time, brain power and energy. Some people wonder why I'd put up with all the stress; it's the most demanding, stressful and most people agree, toughest subject. But the reason is cause I really like the subject though I always thought I was gonna struggle through. Thankfully, it isn't so bad.

Gotta work harder, so much to finish up right now. Been slacking alot this semester and I know it. I'm present for classes but half the time I don't even know what's going on; then I forget what I learn. Sounds bad I know.

I'll need Your mercy and grace to pull me through this period though I have done nothing to deserve it. I don't even dare hope.. Will You surprise me again? I'd do my part, at least I'll try. I don't need anything/anyone else.. You matter most.

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