Saturday, October 10, 2009

nothing comes easy

This isn't gonna do.

17 days till trials. I'm back in Ipoh for the weekend, and am slacking as usual. I have no idea why I always get so sleepy every time I come home; just feel like sleeping in the whole day. I need motivation. Hah.

There are few things that motivate me now, can't mention what; so I've got to really start focusing, start doing some serious study. Cause nothing comes easy.

Trials are important in order to maintain scholarship for next semester, don't wanna be a burden to my parents. Which is why I think I'd better start tonight.

And on a brighter note, I've decided on something; I've made a choice. Back then if anyone had suggested it, I would've said I couldn't do it. Even though I'm not sure how I'm going to right now, I know He will stand in for me, with His strength, it's possible.

For I've been here before, but I know there's still more
Oh Lord, I need to know You.

1 comment:

aaron kian said...

start start start start start start start start start start start start start start start start start start start start STUDYING!!! bahahahahhahaha wooohoooo!!!! =P