Sunday, October 18, 2009

there they go again

Even as I'm typing out this post, the dogs are barking yet AGAIN.

I had one of the worst nights on Wednesday; I could barely sleep. I don't usually have problems sleeping, quite a deep sleeper actually. So Stv came down on Wednesday, and he was watching the England match at 3 am; I just woke up and the dogs were already barking; they did not stop for 2 hours; they still barked here and there after that. And with the mosquitoes biting, you get the picture.

I was so tired on Thursday during Business class especially and was struggling to stay awake; even some of my friends noticed I wasn't my usual self...

I'm not complaining. It's just frustrating sometimes. I had a good break in Ipoh and caught up with my sleep. My mum came back with me today, she comes on alternate weeks to help out.

I can't remember myself feeling so irritated, so annoyed, so impatient. I don't think there was ever such a bad instance; and look here now; its dogs!!! I need patience.. I can barely take it anymore.

But thank God for my supportive family, my mum who has sacrificed so much to come down here and stay for a few days; Michelle (my aunt's friend) who has been coming on and off to help with the dogs. All 3 of us are stressed out in one way or another and God has been our main source of strength and comfort during this period. Another month to go. I know it doesn't sound so bad; not till you actually go through it. We're not dog lovers, 6 dogs are not easy to take care of especially when there's so much to look out for.

Sorry for ranting so much. Just thought it would be good to let it out here. And remembering how He has been so faithful throughout everything. Truly, He's everything I ever need.

I could never comprehend the sacrifice You made; why You would choose to give up Your life for a wretched person like me; and this is why; I'm laying it all down.

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