Saturday, March 6, 2010


Isn't this just so cute? Haha. My brother sent me a postcard through my dad's email; with my dad there of course.. Though I'm sure it won't be long till he can do it on his own. He knows how to use YouTube since 6.. Started using the computer since 4; internet too..

Something's terribly wrong with him; he's 7 yet still behaves like he's 4 and keeps saying I'm his 'baby' and he has to take care of me. Hah.

On Thursday me and a bunch of college mates got stuck in the LRT for more than an hour; it stopped at every station for more than 10 minutes each.. At least we had each other or it would've been a torture.. Trying to upload the video we took on FB; but I can't seem to save it into a movie file. =(.

Nothing much else to say right now. Till then!

I trust; that You know what's best and as I continue holding on; someday I'll see that it was all worth it.. =)

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