Saturday, January 23, 2010

the first

The end of the first and the beginning of another.

Second semester starts tomorrow.

Looking back; I wasn't anticipating college. I didn't expect much; just wished to get it over and done with. There were some prejudices. And mainly it was because I wasn't even supposed to go there and I honestly didn't really want to. The only reason why I went along with it was cause of certain reasons which cannot be mentioned. Some of you would know.

As absurd as the reasons may be; I'm a hundred percent sure that it was only because of those things that I changed my mind about Singapore. God certainly works in mysterious ways; it's hilarious at times.

Sure enough; I made good friends on the first day itself; and as time went by; friendships grew; deeper friendships were formed. There were the tough times. Ones I did not expect. But I thank God for certain close friends who stood by me and gave me all the support I needed.

I didn't really dread going to college; not like what I thought it would be. Of course there were days I just felt so tired of the long hours but strength never ran out; cause He was always there to supply..

Also, involvement in the CF has taught me lots of things.

I have to admit that I'm not really looking forward to the coming semester. A rather short one I would say. Which means it would be stressful. But 'stress' was never in my dictionary and that's one thing I hope won't change.

But what keeps me going is Him. I'm anticipating what lies ahead of me; what He has for me. Every year seems to have taught me important lessons and this year; I'm hoping for more.. Truly; life is meaningless without Him. All of our pursuits are worthless. But a life chasing after God is one we should aim for.. After all; where would we be without Him?

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