Saturday, January 2, 2010

Youth Camp 2009 - Part 1

I said I was gonna post this up after camp; finally got the time to do it.

Before... (Dec 6 - 13)

So a week before youth camp; I went for youth. They had 'Kampung Games' that day. All the 'older' ones just sat back and watched. Then Aunty Gueh Im asked me if I had any ideas for games for camp and if I could help out. I thought it would have been planned out by the form 4's already but they had very few people. Anyway I said I'd try to help as much as I could. Had a meeting that day for the games. Nothing much planned out but we kinda formed the Games Committee that day. Had a rather long meeting on Monday; continued on Tuesday. I think the Night Games took the longest time to plan; since it was the most complicated. Right up till camp there were still lots of things to do. The planning committee consisted of; Yi Wen, Aunty Gueh Im, Jenny and Samuel (the only f4's), Qi Vin, Darren, Shao Wen and me.

Aunty Gueh Im, me and Samuel went to town on Wednesday to get all the stuff we needed. A day before; we went to Tesco but only managed to get a few items. On Sunday; Qi Vin, Darren, Yi Wen and me met in church along with a few others to check all the items and make sure everything was settled. It was then that me, Qi Vin, Darren and Samuel shot the 'Wooden Spoon' video in the playground. Poor Samuel had to be wrapped in garbage bags and lie on the grass for quite some time. Haha.

We initially planned a Mafia theme for our camp games to be based on; but it changed to the Secret Agencies soon after. We realized we didn't want to sending out the wrong message or glorify the Mafia. But we couldn't change the night game idea cause we spent so long putting it together. At least 4 hours. So Aunty Gueh Im suggested the new theme and she came up with the Almighty's Secret Service... Cool eh? Hah. And then I had to think of stuff to put in the booklet so I just came up with something random about the A.S.S.

To be continued..

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