Gonna break it up into different sections instead of days..
The theme was What Would Jesus Desire?
It took some time before we got used to the place. No air-cond in rooms, flies in the canteen, stuffy hall, flights of stairs that weren't connected, cold shower. Compared to the previous campsites, this definitely wasn't as nice and comfortable. Many complained, could see why. But we learnt a valuable lesson as well. And after awhile, most people stopped complaining and started to really enjoy themselves.
Food was alright. No complains there. I think when you go for a camp; you don't expect much of the food; I'd say I was grateful cause it wasn't as bad as I expected... And they sold some drinks there as well. People were talking bout the Ice Milo but didn't get to try it. LOL
Led two worship sessions; First night and third morning. Initially thought that was all I was gonna be involved in, till the games came along, then Camp Mama. I really enjoyed it though it was abit tiring and stressful at times. And I was afraid of losing my voice again; Youth Camp 08 was bad enough. Thank God I only nearly lost it on the last day; didn't really need it then. We also made one of the classrooms our meeting place and store room. It was the only open room in that particular block so it was rather safe and 'private'.
Overall the sessions were good. Not the type where you go WOW, feel the anointing of God, get slain by the Holy Spirit. No altar calls. But it didn't make it any less better. This year, I personally didn't expect much; but after the 1st session I realized how much God wanted to speak to me. On the first night, after dinner, I was talking to a friend in camp about certain things. He was sharing with me about issues that was going on in his life and the struggles he was having. I told him some things; some of which I've learnt through past experience. That night, the speaker mentioned the same things I told him. I thought it was a way God confirmed what He wanted him to know; that two people say the same things.. It wasn't just that, but I also told him a story about a person who had a dream about 3 women experiencing God in different ways. And the speaker told the exact same story that night. I don't think it's coincidence, it's just Him.
Some of the topics shared were basic stuff; like knowing Him, but it was good because it brought us all back to realize that too often we get carried away by what we do for Him that we forget that we were made to know Him and to know Him more and more... Many of the things I've learnt were reinstated by the speaker. I bet it was the same for many others as well..
God spoke to me through the last worship session on the 4th morning. I knew then that He was right there with me all along; He touched me when I needed Him most. This is the God I know; this is the Father who cares for me; this is Jesus who loves me; this is the Spirit who comforts me..
Orientation - Flags, Agency Acronym Names and Shout-outs had to be done on the first day. Agency 11 that consisted of us older ones/Games Committee and Helpers; we named our group FROG that stands for FULLY RELY ON GOD. It was weird that we just couldn't come up with a group shout-out since most have been to quite many youth camps.. Nearly gave up trying since we didn't really have to do it; but in the LAST few minutes we just came up with random things and ended up doing what we did. LOL. I personally liked WAT's shout-out the most. Would've awarded them first if we gave points for shout-outs.
Indoor Games (2nd day) - Didn't want to be in charge of too many things so I briefed Kai Bing, Debbie, Kirsten and Qi Vin about the games. They took a game each. Before the indoor games the groups presented their movie trailers. Generally good. The games went pretty alright. The funniest was the Musical Balloons. See everyone running and fighting over balloons... And the Pirate game was fun to watch too. Haha.
Inglorious Mafia (2nd night) - Finally, after all the long hours spent on planning this game, it was time. We already decided beforehand to really play our roles which also meant that we had to 'dress up' as our characters. The game went much better than I expected. Thought it was either gonna be too easy/too hard. But we could slow it down or speed it up anyway... Initially it was abit messy cause we nearly couldn't find some items. Turned out to be just fine. Everyone did a good job. Thank God the weather was nice..
Station Games (3rd day) - 7 stations altogether. Weather was abit too hot at first; especially me and Jenny, our station was literally the hottest. But it got better after awhile, if they had fun it was more than worth it. Preparation was abit rushed but it was okay too. Abel's station was too easy at first, so he came up with variations and more things to do. Knowing Abel, only he can pull it off. Haha. HAHA.
Christmas Celebration on the last night was quite fun too. Icebreakers, Games, Extended Worship, Carols. Had some things going on. During camp itself, as much as I was busy, there were certain issues that I had to deal with and He really comforted me through it all. I really didn't wanna go back home to be honest... I really enjoyed camp despite having lots to think about, lots to do... Maybe all those added to what made it so great...
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