Wednesday, November 11, 2009

child-like faith

Once again I experienced His grace. I got unexpectedly rather good results for my semester exams. All honor and glory to Him. I did nothing. Prior to the exams; I thought I would just do well enough to scrape through a 2.7 CGPA to keep my scholarship. My parents told me that I could do it and when I told my mum how surprised I was and how God had been so merciful; she asked me why I always underestimate myself. I don't know why; I didn't prepare as much as I should. And I thought I didn't do so well cause I barely had enough time for most of the papers. God amazes me.

But the major exams are in two months time; that's much much more important. I guess I'd have to take this as a reminder to study consistently and not slack anymore. Also, I've got to continue trusting Him. And the part I was amazed at most was how the things that happened prior to trials didn't really affect my concentration. These are the things that give me even more reason to believe in His amazing plans.

I have been asked questions about my faith. Honestly I don't always have the answers and it's hard to really give an answer that would open people's eyes to see the truth; they still choose not to believe. Yet, the only thing I can say is that I've experienced Him enough to know that He is real. So many things I cannot explain. But that's what faith is all about. Taking Him at His word; no questions asked.

I need motivation!! Hah.


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